DWR requested the system be deployed outside the State’s infrastructure. DDS coordinated between the DWR and PhoenixNAP to create a two-server environment (DEV and PROD). DDS collaborated with DWR to create the current Colorado Decision Support System (CDSS) application by developing the viewer with both Microsoft Silverlight and HTML5 viewers and training DWR staff on the maintenance and development of the software.
DDS implemented the State of Colorado branding requirements and developed most custom widgets under the “Quick Tools” menu in CDSS using Geocortex Workflow. DDS created another widget, not in CDSS, that would calculate a well’s Latitude and Longitude coordinates based only on the footage calls from section lines. Once CDSS was developed in 2015, DDS passed on the monthly hosting costs and technical support to the DWR GIS environment for two hours a month.
Colorado Decision Support Services and managed ArcGIS Enterprise hosting and technical support