City of Colorado Springs | Stormwater Capital Improvement Project Solution

Project Summary

DDS subcontracted to Matrix Design Group on the City of Colorado (COS) Stormwater Infrastructure Master Plan (SIMP) project. DDS worked with Matrix Design Group and the City’s Public Works to develop a solution for managing stormwater capital improvement projects (CIP), which integrates ArcGIS Enterprise and Cartegraph Asset Management utilizing VertiGIS Studio.

The solution allows COS CIP managers to create, view, modify, and analyze current and past CIPs with a suite of VertiGIS Studio Workflows to automate high-level project planning tasks such as costing, future asset assignment, identification of synergies across CIPs, and determining project priority.

The solution allows users to create and modify capital improvement projects by integrating qualitative asset field data and photography, high-resolution aerial imagery, managing cost-per-unit variables, and project inflation rates on proposed assets.

Custom libraries to extend VertiGIS Studio Workflow were developed to allow COS CIP managers to update ancillary tables such as the Cartegraph source feature services and attribute columns, cost-per-unit and asset status tables, and yearly inflation values utilizing a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The master spreadsheet is downloaded by managers, updated, and uploaded to the solution to update the configuration tables. Other solutions include viewing all project assets, developing an annual water quality report (MS4) of selected stations, and automatically inflating project and asset estimates to the current fiscal year. Lastly, DDS developed a custom report to aggregate CIPs projects by Council Member district to allow Public Works staff to communicate effectively with Council Members the projects planned for each of their districts.


Internal Stormwater Capital Improvement Project solution to visualize and share Colorado Spring Sewer-Stormwater assets and Capital Improvement plans among City staff.  This app includes tools to guide and automate capital improvement planning, costing, and prioritization.  Components of this product included consultation on data schema, ETL, IT system design, product implementation, and training.

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DDS Customer Colorado Springs