Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining & Safety | Colorado Historic Mine Map Conversion
DDS completed nine (9) projects over five (5) years, vectorizing and attributing over 480 abandoned mine maps into ESRI shapefiles throughout Colorado.
DDS completed nine (9) projects over five (5) years, vectorizing and attributing over 480 abandoned mine maps into ESRI shapefiles throughout Colorado.
Divestco USA, acquired by IHS in 2006, required a universal, large-scale (1:24,000) Public Land Survey GIS coverage file to incorporate into their land mapping, lease mapping, well spotting, and GIS query software.
The objective of this project was to produce high-resolution bathymetric contours of the Great Lakes bottom region.
In the spring of 2005, DDS was tasked to scan, georeference, vectorize, and attribute multiple-scale aquifer maps.
Under a fixed-price contract, the staff at Digital Data Services, Inc. (DDS) converted over 300 hard-copy as-built drawings and approximately 1,500 MicroStation drawing files to AutoCAD to provide a complete set of electric facility as-built drawings.
In 2001, DDS converted original hard-copy geologic hazard maps into fully-attributed ESRI GIS coverage files.