Avangrid | CMP Outage Management System Interim Solution

Project Summary
Digital Data Services, Inc. (DDS) subcontracted with Deloitte to migrate Central Maine Power’s Outage Management System (OMS) from a custom Microsoft Silverlight application and integrate it into Schneider Electric’s ArcFM Web application and ArcGIS Enterprise.

The OMS application allows Central Main Power to manage power outage reports between customers and field crews. The OMS system is targeted to be replaced with a completely different solution, but that project was delayed. Due to the deprecation of Microsoft Silverlight, CMP required an interim solution.

The project involved deploying a web GIS solution on ArcFM Web utilizing the existing backend SOAP endpoint. To interact with the SOAP endpoint, DDS developed several customizations to ArcFM Web and a custom ASP.NET application to bi-directionally translate SOAP and JSON responses between ArcFM Web and the SOAP backend. DDS also worked with Deloitte and Avangrid staff to inventory and create ArcGIS Feature Services in ArcGIS Enterprise.

The project included the following deliverables:

OMS Interim Solution

  • An ArcFM Web application to manage power outage reports
  • 21 Custom VertiGIS Studio Workflows to allow CMP staff to view outage/damage summaries, create/modify/close incidents, list customers affected, perform distribution circuit tracing, and ping meters.

IIS Applications

  • HTML end-user documentation containing images and tutorial videos for the CMP OMS Interim applications.
  • HTTP<>HTTPS Proxy that converts HTTP to HTTPS responses to support legacy ArcGIS Map Services still running on HTTP
  • Web Services Translator that translates SOAP to JSON, and vice versa.

Source Code & Developer Documentation

  • The source code for the Web Services Translator was provided as a Microsoft Visual Studio project via a private GitHub repository.
  • Installation and Configuration Guides for all components
  • Environmental (DEV/UAT/PROD) Map/Feature Service URL Reference Spreadsheet



Outage Management System (OMS) with user and developer documentation, GitHub repository.

Industries & Services