Individual maps and plates were scanned on large-format color scanners and output to uncompressed TIFF images. The raster images were georeferenced in their native projection to USDA aerial. Mine features such as adits, adverse effects, boreholes, coal outcrops, cross sections, cross-section points, faults, fault throws, isopachs, limits of mining, mine conditions, mine factors, mine outlines, multiple seams, PRF stability, shafts, sinkholes, slope, subsidence inventory, subsidence profiles, surface traces, undermined areas, workings, and other miscellaneous features were digitized and attributed according to client specifications.
The final deliverables were a series of shapefiles and ESRI file geodatabases (based on source map scales). All delivered data included extensive metadata.
ESRI shapefiles and file geodatabases, georeferenced images, collarless versions of the georeferenced images, metadata for the images and vector data.